What Is Student Loan Bankruptcy? You may have heard that student loans cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. That statement oversimplifies the truth. You actually can get student loans discharged in some cases, but the bar is higher, and the process is more burdensome than it is for other types of debt. Filing for bankruptcy to
Investing News
Insurance is something needed by all businesses to protect against the risk of loss. With captive insurance, a business can create its own coverage to achieve two goals: protection for the businesses and financial advantages for their owners. Captive insurance is also sometimes promoted chiefly as a tax shelter, but using it this way has its hazards.
Most people and businesses who file (or filed) certain 2019 or 2020 tax returns late are going to receive penalty relief in the form of refunds or abatements from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Even if you already paid those penalties, the IRS intends to issue refunds or credits. The agency says nearly 1.6 million
When you change jobs, you generally have four options for your 401(k) plan. One of the best options is doing a 401(k) rollover to an individual retirement account (IRA). The other options include cashing it out—and pay taxes and a withdrawal penalty, leave it where it is—if your ex-employer allows this, or transfer it into
A vasectomy, a surgical sterilization for those with testes, is up to six times cheaper than a tubal ligation, the surgical procedure designed to permanently prevent pregnancy by interrupting the movement of eggs from the ovaries. The reason for the cost difference is simple, says Peter Weiss, M.D., assistant clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology
Credit Sesame is a free personal financial management tool that assists users with monetary liabilities. While other financial management tools incorporate bank accounts, retirement investments, and target savings goals, Credit Sesame stays on the debt side of the transaction. It specializes in tracking and monitoring the financial obligations of each user as well as providing
Being your own boss is a wonderful feeling, but it also comes with the responsibility of knowing how much to charge for your services. You may enjoy the freedom to take your career in whatever direction most interests you and to decide your own work schedule, dress code, and daily routine. But you also have
Key Takeaways Nvidia’s data center revenue came in below analysts’ expectations, with growth decelerating from the previous quarter’s pace. Demand for services offered by data centers has grown rapidly during the pandemic, boosting demand for Nvidia’s chips. Nvidia’s data center segment is its biggest platform, with data center revenue eclipsing gaming revenue. Source: Predictions based
Fitness equipment company Peloton Interactive, Inc. (PTON) announced, on Aug. 24, 2022, a deal to sell a variety of its products through Amazon.com, Inc. (AMZN). Previously, Peloton’s new products and accessories were sold strictly through its own e-commerce site, inside sales channels, and global showrooms. Peloton indicates that this initiative is designed “to innovate and
The First Labor Day Having the first Monday in September off from work was significant for American workers in 1894, when Labor Day was declared a national holiday. Working conditions in the country’s factories, railroads, mills, and mines were grim. Employees, including many children, were often required to work 12 hours a day, six days
If you need cash for a down payment for a home, and you have a 401(k) retirement plan, you might be wondering if you can use these funds. Typically when you withdraw funds from a 401(k) before the age of 59½, you incur a 10% penalty. You can use your 401(k) toward buying a house
Recourse vs. Non-Recourse Loans: An Overview A recourse loan allows a lender to pursue additional assets when a borrower defaults on a loan if the debt’s balance surpasses the collateral’s value. A non-recourse loan permits the lender to seize only the collateral specified in the loan agreement, even if its value does not cover the
Corruption is a problem all over the world. Soccer’s governing organization, Fédération Internationale de Football Association, or FIFA, is just one example, with several executives found guilty of racketeering and money laundering in 2015. The college admissions world was rocked in 2019 after several high-profile celebrities faced legal trouble—including charges of bribery and several types
We’re a nation of collectors, and more and more of us view our collectibles as alternative investments, a valuable way to diversify our assets. According to a recent survey , one in three adult Americans reports they collect some type of physical items. Whether they’re amassing sports memorabilia or stamps, trading cards or toys, fine
Mortgage rates have been on the rise for three consecutive days across most loan types. For its part, the flagship 30-year average has climbed more than three-tenths of a percentage point since Friday, pushing it further above the 6% mark. Today’s National Mortgage Rate Averages Thirty-year mortgage rates moved higher for a third day Tuesday,
The stock market reflects all known information as stated by the efficient market hypothesis, processing and assimilating new data rapidly through the mechanism of buying and selling. The stock market is also forward-looking, which explains why a company’s stock may fall, even when reported earnings improve from the previous quarter. Apple’s stock history is a
Today, President Biden announced his long-awaited plan to forgive up to $10,000 in federal student loans for millions of borrowers. The President also further extended the pause on federal student loan payments, interest, and collections until the end of the year. Key Takeaways Borrowers will be able to get up to $10,000 in federal student
If you recently inherited—or expect to inherit—retirement plan assets, you should keep Sept. 30 in mind. It’s a very important date when it comes to retirement accounts with multiple beneficiaries; it’s the date for determining whether an inherited individual retirement account (IRA) has a designated beneficiary or beneficiaries. An IRA is considered to have a
When central bankers from around the world gather in Jackson Hole, Wyoming later this week, they will be confronting fresh data suggesting the global economy is at risk of sliding into recession. Surveys of purchasing managers from Asia to Europe, and in the U.S., show business activity contracting, with little sign of a turnaround anytime soon. U.S. private-sector business
Imagine heading out for a hard day’s fishing and returning with a gem that stuns fishermen across the nation? That’s exactly what happened to Mark Rand and his son Luke, who caught a rare, bright blue lobster off the coast of Maine on Aug. 11, 2022. The father and son, who between them have at
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