TradeSmith offers investors valuable tools for determining which stocks to watch. A good example is its Health Indicator feature. This comprehensive indicator provides an overall rating of a stock’s current health. Using this metric, you can quickly find potential opportunities to explore. Broken down into three “zones” (green, yellow, and red), you’ll have a general
Unlike some other artificial intelligence stocks that have zoomed higher in 2023, there’s far more substance than hype with Nvidia’s (NASDAQ:NVDA) AI catalyst. In turn, there’s been some justification for the triple-digit run-up in the price of NVDA stock this year. However, the keyword here is “some justification,” Why? This stock’s more than threefold increase
Some financial traders might dream of multi-bagger returns when they invest in electric vehicle battery technology company QuantumScape (NYSE:QS). I’ve warned people about QS stock before, and I’m still pessimistic. However, taking a share position could make sense if the price is right. Even a low-confidence stock can rally sharply in certain circumstances. For example, a
Tracey Ryniec and Brian Hamilton look at a two mega-cap companies, a technology giant and a top retailer. Cisco: Home Depot: Follow us on StockTwits: Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook:
With the United States economy demonstrating strong performance recently, Federal Reserve officials are considering to double their 2023 growth projections. Economic data has consistently exceeded analysts’ and economists’ expectations, prompting the unofficial estimate from the Atlanta Federal Reserve to suggest a 5.6% annualized expansion in Q3 2023. Furthermore, the new projections, set to be released
When you hear “materials stocks”, do you yawn? Be honest. Although they’re not considered snazzy stocks, they can make you a lot of money if you invest right. Essential everyday materials that make up our roads, bridges, and buildings consist of concrete, metals, chemicals, and other construction products. Necessary for a growing society, materials stocks