What Is Student Loan Deferment? A student loan deferment lets you stop making payments on your loan or reduce the amount you pay for up to three years, in most cases. During the deferment period, no interest accrues on federally subsidized loans because the government picks up the interest payments. But interest on unsubsidized loans
When the value of a margin account falls below the broker’s required amount, the investor must deposit further cash or securities to satisfy the loan terms. A failure to promptly meet these demands, known as a margin call, can result in the broker selling off the investor’s positions without warning as well as charging any applicable
Tesla Inc. (TSLA) is an American electric car and power train designer, developer, manufacturer, and distributor headed by serial entrepreneur Elon Musk. The company was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Palo Alto, California.  Key Takeaways Tesla has several competitors among traditional carmakers, such as Ford and Honda.  Tesla has managed to see success
Based on the market’s recent performance, you may think now isn’t the time to increase exposure to hot growth stocks. After all, aren’t rising interest rates and the growing likelihood of a recession bad news for growth? Yes and no. On one hand, there are plenty of high-fliers from the 2020/2021 bull market that will
Editor’s note: Below you’ll find the week 103 release of the NYC Recovery Index, originally published August 23, 2022. Visit the NYC Recovery index homepage for the latest data. New York City’s economic recovery progressed slightly for the week ending August 13, 2022, with the overall index score rising by one percentage point to 73
Electric vehicle manufacturers got a shot in the arm last week when California announced it would end the sale of 100% gasoline-powered cars and trucks by 2035. While the legislation will allow the sale of plug-in electric hybrids (PHEVs), the news can only help already hot EV stocks.  The California Air Resources Board (CARB) approved the
Psychedelics stocks are becoming increasingly mainstream, in part due to changing social attitudes. Psychedelic drugs “are a loosely grouped class of drugs that are able to induce altered thoughts and sensory perceptions.” Recent medical research highlights that the use of psychedelics can have “positive effects on anxiety, depression, and existential distress with little side effects.”
Doubling your money is a badge of honor, often used as bragging rights at parties and around the Thanksgiving dinner table. Spurious promises to double one’s money can also be made by overzealous advisors or worse, scamsters and fraudsters. Perhaps the urge to double one’s money comes from deep in our investor psychology—the risk-taking part
Effectively, the gold-silver ratio represents the number of ounces of silver it takes to buy a single ounce of gold. For the hard-asset enthusiast, the gold-silver ratio is common parlance. For the average investor, it represents an arcane metric that is anything but well known. The fact is that a substantial profit potential exists in
Geo Group (NYSE:GEO) stock has been making headlines this month. That’s not due to any news directly related to the private prison operator, but rather to a recent 13F filing submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) by investor Michael Burry. As InvestorPlace’s Eddie Pan reported on Aug. 15, Burry’s firm Scion Asset