Robinhood and eToro have several things in common. Both are online discount brokers created to provide platforms for everyone to have access to trading without excessive fees. Both brokers also focus on providing simpler self-directed investing by incorporating innovative technology. Finally, both brokers were industry disruptors with eToro entering the industry in 2007 and Robinhood
This should be an interesting end to the year for auto stocks. First, you’ve got the White House shifting into high gear on President Joe Biden’s push into electric vehicles. Biden announced approval of the first $900 million that will be spent in the U.S. to build EV charging stations throughout 35 states. The effort
Day trading involves buying and selling (or first short selling and then buying back) an instrument with an aim at making a quick profit. The holding duration may vary from a few seconds to a few hours but not exceed the span of a trading day. For example, a speculative trader may spot a technical
Download Preston’s 1 page checklist for finding great stock picks: Preston Pysh is the #1 selling Amazon author of two books on Warren Buffett. The books can be found at the following location: In this lesson students learn how to use the google stock screener.
Many people don’t understand that you can actually sell option contracts without having the stock, or without owning the other option side of the trade. Selling options is more popular among professionals than buying option contracts. That is because when you sell option contracts, you can allow the time decay to work in your favor.
Do Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Harm the Environment? You may have heard about non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and how they impact the environment. Even though NFTs themselves do not cause any environmental impact, their impact on our climate can be linked to how they are produced. The way that NFTs are created can be highly energy intensive.
There’s a saying in investing, attributed to Warren Buffett, that you don’t see who’s swimming naked until the tide goes out.  Essentially, this means that poorly run and troubled companies are most exposed during market downturns. This is certainly proving to be the case this year. With all the major U.S. indices now in bear